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Its a long time till Christmas, but this Turkey is cooked – Carl
Asia / Europe

Its a long time till Christmas, but this Turkey is cooked – Carl

Earlier this year we did an analysis of Turkish economic potential and closely linked to it the prospect of joining the European Union. Now, roughly half a year later, it is time for an update. “Quo vadis, Turkey?” had been the question that we concluded on, asking us whether the comet-like ascent would continue. Since … Continue reading

1:12 A Swiss policy with as many holes as the national cheese – Carl
Companies / Economic Theory / Europe

1:12 A Swiss policy with as many holes as the national cheese – Carl

A few years ago, bank secrecy seemed sacrosanct and comparably typical as cheese, watches and chocolate for Switzerland. Today, everything appears to have shifted a bit in the alpine country: the new tax-agreement with the US will allow far-reaching intervention into bank data and in so doing cost banks a fortune. However, this change isn’t … Continue reading

The Importance of Being Honest – World Economy, concede your problems!
Austerity / Economic Theory / Europe

The Importance of Being Honest – World Economy, concede your problems!

The British economist John Maynard Keynes once said that “there are three things that drive mankind to madness: love, jealousy and the study of stock market prices”. Looking at the stock market at least, his last point seems to be right. Prices have been rising for months although large parts of Europe continue to be … Continue reading

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination – how France takes fiscal policy inspiration from Oscar Wilde
Austerity / Euro Crises / Europe

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination – how France takes fiscal policy inspiration from Oscar Wilde

Not at all surprising: Europeans lose confidence in the EU, they are worried about the economic situation and the ability of their rulers to change their situation. How else could it be, the European Union has been pushing the blues of the crisis for years. But at the same time, the people from North to … Continue reading

Tiger, tiger, burning bright: Will the Baltic Tiger develop sustainably? Part II
Economic Theory / Europe

Tiger, tiger, burning bright: Will the Baltic Tiger develop sustainably? Part II

Rapid economic growth leads to environmental degradation and thus by definition a decrease in the quantity of natural capital, thereby directly hampering sustainable development by reducing future generations’ ability to produce the same level of output produced today. This is a particularly pressing concern for Estonia, which ranks twenty-third among EU states in terms of … Continue reading

Tiger, tiger, burning bright: Will the Baltic Tiger develop sustainably? Part I
Economic Theory / Europe

Tiger, tiger, burning bright: Will the Baltic Tiger develop sustainably? Part I

Rapid economic growth is the largest constraint on the sustainable economic, social and environmental development of Estonia as it directly counteracts the first, third and fourth objectives of the Estonian government’s plan for sustainable development, or the aims of achieving a coherent society, ecological balance and a viable cultural space. In the immediate future, the … Continue reading

The NINJA Generation
America / Austerity / Europe

The NINJA Generation

In a very memorable scene of the 2010 movie ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’, a Michael Douglas aka Gordon Gekko (‘Greed is good’) visibly suffering from cancer gives a speech about the 2008 crash and the ‘NINJA generation’ in front of a college audience. The catchy acronym stands for: ‘No income, no job, no assets.’ … Continue reading

Breaking the Barriers
America / Europe

Breaking the Barriers

In the age of an impotent World Trade Organisation, Chinese currency manipulation and tariffs and quotas galore, such a ray of sunshine as the proposed American-European free trade pact should be greeted with fanfares and salutations. Such a deal might cement the predominance of the Western free market capitalism over the protected state capitalism of … Continue reading